oooh font...

I thought this was funny...

Ooh...Granny's Goodies

Our next assignment for my graphic design class is to redo a logo for a local business... I think I might do Granny's Goodies. :) Here's one of my sketches.

I'm not sure what Darrell will say... so I'm kinda nervous about following through with this one... but I think it's funny. So we'll see.


I posted something on and it made it!!! I don't know why I'm so excited, but I am... here is my contribution: a nifty iPhone case... I saw it and wanted it... but it's like $100. So no, this will not be protecting my phone any time soon... :( But I think it's pretty neat.

These are some of the prints I've been working on. I really enjoy making them, honestly I was really worried about this project, but it turned out that it wasn't that bad. They were due today, but we had a snow day... so I guess I'll just turn them in on Wednesday.

These are some prints that I'm starting to work on in Printmaking. I actually like where they are going. Usually I look at my stuff and think it could be better, but with these I kinda feel like I'm going in a good direction. Like in the direction of something I might frame. :) These are just rough acetone transfers of the basic idea I'm working with. But I think they look good too.

They are (the beginnings of) self-portriats. I really like the idea of a self-portrait without my face. It's more work, but I like the end result better.

I need to use a process called paper lithography, which is intimidating, but I think it could possibly add a lot to the image. I've just never used it, so it's kind of worrying me, that I might mess up my whole print. So maybe a little practice first.

The prints are due Monday, five total, so I'll post them when I get done. :)

336 assignment

4:15 PM Posted by Kelsey 0 comments
Our Latest "exercise" was to combine a few past "exercises". First we drew random lines on a graph paper, and then used a sharpie to pick out specific shapes from that drawing. We picked three total and then described them, (personified them...) THEN... in a separate assignment we had to collect colors from specific images, like our clothing, a landscape, a g-college building, and our rooms. So when we had those color swatches we combined the two assignments.

We had to scan the images into the computer, and using the color samples, try to make in interesting image. Again, I'm not very happy with mine, but that's how it goes I guess... but making one image wasn't enough. We had to leave the image the same and use a separate color sample and then cut and weave the two together. So this is mine, it took FOREVER!!! I'm almost happy with the way it turned out :). I think all these small projects are pretty neat, something different.

Stupid Video

Kassondra ( my younger sister) and I... the roller coaster is going backwards... and I look like an idiot. But I think it's kinda funny.

my weekend

4:50 PM Posted by Kelsey 0 comments
All in all it was a pretty low key weekend.

Friday night I went to get my new computer in Louisville, it went relatively smooth thanks to my fabulous iPhone's GPS. I loved going to the apple store. It was great. Everyone there was the perfect level of geeky and cool and they were all so nice. I want to work there. Well... maybe not.

Saturday I didn't really do anything. We went to the Japanese restaurant in town. Turns out I really like it. The little grill guy tried to throw food in my mouth and just hit me in the face. I'm not good with mouth-eye coordination I guess.

And today, Sunday, I went to a craft store and bought frames for some pictures Mom decided she wanted to hang up. Then we got some Logan's and it was tasty. After that Mom got a new cell phone, a touch screen she is trying to learn to use. And then for dinner we had Japanese again.

As of right now I'm watching America's Next Top Model. I really like this show. But I'm not obsessed, I don't know all the girls names or anything like that.

This is getting kind of boring but I'm pretty sure no one is reading this anyways. Well, if you are I guess I'll end your suffering here. Thanks for being a trooper and reading about my weekend I guess. :)

This is a drawing done in adobe illustrator. We were talking about symmetry and I thought I'd be really cool and make a super elaborate design and I was pleased with the way it came out. But them we had to cut the image into one inch squares and rearrange the pieces into a asymmetrical design. Well since my drawing didn't leave any square completely white I had a hard time coming up with something interesting. My end result looks like a mess... but I guess it was a learning experience.

First Assignment

6:57 AM Posted by Kelsey 0 comments

This first assignment was dealing a lot with lines. We had to try to make as many different types and variations of line as we could. Well, the cut off was 20. Then we used tracing paper and put all the lines together. I didn't really like my combined line drawing, but thought that the idea of making a simple line different ways was interesting. It's something I never really put a lot of thought into.

Well... I guess I'll get started

5:38 AM Posted by Kelsey 0 comments
Hi!I thought that I would start a blog to keep track of my work.

Recently I was looking back at some projects that I had worked on and at the time I turned them in I thought they were AMAZING. But looking back I realize they were far from it. It's comical really.

So for future reference for myself and for anyone who might want to see, I figured a blog of every step I take toward completing my art degree would be interesting.

So to start, I just got my first Mac computer. It's a 13in Macbook and I love it. I upgraded it a little so I could run programs faster, and I also bought the student edition Adobe design software to go with it. I've wanted this for so long, and now that I have it I just feel like I can finally take more time to work on my projects and it's awesome to not have to go the computer lab at school to use the software there. Freedom... in a way :)

Later I'm going to post images of some small assignments we have worked on in my "Graphic Design Principles and Techniques" class. :)