These are some prints that I'm starting to work on in Printmaking. I actually like where they are going. Usually I look at my stuff and think it could be better, but with these I kinda feel like I'm going in a good direction. Like in the direction of something I might frame. :) These are just rough acetone transfers of the basic idea I'm working with. But I think they look good too.

They are (the beginnings of) self-portriats. I really like the idea of a self-portrait without my face. It's more work, but I like the end result better.

I need to use a process called paper lithography, which is intimidating, but I think it could possibly add a lot to the image. I've just never used it, so it's kind of worrying me, that I might mess up my whole print. So maybe a little practice first.

The prints are due Monday, five total, so I'll post them when I get done. :)

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