Hi!I thought that I would start a blog to keep track of my work.
Recently I was looking back at some projects that I had worked on and at the time I turned them in I thought they were AMAZING. But looking back I realize they were far from it. It's comical really.
So for future reference for myself and for anyone who might want to see, I figured a blog of every step I take toward completing my art degree would be interesting.
So to start, I just got my first Mac computer. It's a 13in Macbook and I love it. I upgraded it a little so I could run programs faster, and I also bought the student edition Adobe design software to go with it. I've wanted this for so long, and now that I have it I just feel like I can finally take more time to work on my projects and it's awesome to not have to go the computer lab at school to use the software there. Freedom... in a way :)
Later I'm going to post images of some small assignments we have worked on in my "Graphic Design Principles and Techniques" class. :)
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