
ok... so first off the parking ticket people are weird. They made my ticket $40 instead of $65, which I'm fine with... BUT they send this booklet with the parking rules.

They circled stuff like I'm stupid, stuff that I already knew and that had nothing to do with myargument. My point was that on the little "where to park" map where you need a pass is in orange.

WELL... they have lots marked in orange that don't belong to the college, and they needed to have places marked where you could park without a pass for commuters who didn't want one. So they are all sarcastic and circle crap that I already knew.

I think I'm going to print out that map and circle all the lots that DON'T belong to the college that are in orange... just to be like "ha, I can circle stuff too... see" but frankly it's not worth the energy and time...

But that's the conclusion of the parking ticket DRAMA....

pretty great

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